That G.W. Bush does not bother reading the paper is a on the record and well known. That the current Administration in Washington on the whole dislikes the press is obvious. First there was the uproar over the revelation of the N.S.A. wire-tapping program. Just last week we witnessed the President, Vice President, and other members of the Administration lash out angrily over the New York Times story which disclosed a secret C.I.A. program to trace financial records. Representative Peter T. King, Republican of New York, even called for a criminal investigation of The Times. It seems that something must be done.

Nonism: moral plague, national treasure, or all three? I can’t wait to see how you spin the news 100 years from now when human beings are farmed and fed to the hive queen Xarxus for her egg-laying nutrients, yet the mainstream media still have the task of keeping Americans convinced that she won the election fair an’ square. (Not that there’s any mystery how a billion anthropovorous larvae were going to vote).

posted on 07.03 at 02:48 AM.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Heil the Nonist for his cynical insights. Great artwork and text. You get a medal for this one ...

posted on 07.04 at 07:25 PMorangeguru

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