All this and the surface of the sun?

(which ought to be a poem title but is here squandered)

“It’s there in every aspect of life. You can’t stop looking at things through your designer eyes. Everything you do is clouded by this thing that lives inside you.” The Design Disease from Noisy Decent Graphics.

Details and vid for Natetrue’s kick-ass Time Fountain. (Thanks Rich.)

On October 24, 1946 a group of soldiers and scientists in the New Mexico desert saw something new and wonderful—the first pictures of Earth as seen from space.

Art Lozzi muses on and explains some background painting techniques. (Via.)

Video for Black Refuge by José González side project Junip.

Behold and quial before Oded Ezer’s Typosperma project. (Via.)

Greatest song in the history of music? You decide. (Thank you kempa.)

A four and a half minute compliation of every Ray Harryhausen animated creature in feature films, presented in chronological order. (Via.)

Behold The Surface Of The Sun and ponder your tiny and piddling insignificance! 

12.08. filed under: link dump. 4