short hiatus

i’d like to apologize for the sporadic posting of late. it’s due in equal parts to the flu and a hectic period at work. it couldn’t be helped, and still can’t. in as much, rather than posting whenever i can fit it in, i’ve decided to take a short hiatus. a week, give or take. i’m mulling over making some changes to the site as well, possibly some major changes, but i’m reluctant to open that can of worms just yet. we shall see. in any case hope everyone is well, and i’ll be back as soon as i can manage.

posted by jmorrison on 02/25 | announcements | | permalink
protest in a better world

a couple of days ago, while watching the olympics, i had an odd flash. a women’s figure skater had just wrapped up a decidedly underwhelming routine and was standing at center ice, arms akimbo, in one of those panting, mock-triumphant poses. in the distance, and at the edges of the frame, small objects began flopping onto the ice. knowing diddly-squat about skating i misinterpreted this barrage and in doing so i inadvertently conjured a vision of an exquisite alternate world of civilized protest and absurdist displeasure.

posted by jmorrison on 02/24 | lost & found - wtf | | permalink
charms of the flourish

in the introduction to the book masters of calligraphy, originally published in 1923 in german under the title meister der schreibkunst aus drei jahrhunderten, there is the following: “today the charms of a thriving calligraphy, expression and beauty, are in danger of perishing. handwriting in everyday life is disappearing or becoming superficial or coarse. with it yet another branch of honorable human artistic endeavor is dying out.” that was initially written in 23 and with each successive printing, in 36 and again in 81, the sentiment became more true. by now i think it’s safe to say the art of handwriting, as it was once understood, is no longer dying but really and truly dead.

posted by jmorrison on 02/22 | sights & sounds - art | | permalink
linguistic turds

i’m sure that i’ve mentioned my dislike for advertising before. i must have explained at some point how television ads rarely fail to illicit a sneer in my living room, often times accompanied by an expletive or two as well. no matter how “clever” an ad is i simply can not get past the fact it’s an ad; a cloying, disingenuous, attempt to convince me of something. and therein lies the problem, they never do, ever, and so in their ineffectiveness each one feels like an insult to my intelligence. today i’d like to single out a specific facet of advertising for discussion- the tagline

the public and private life of animals

originally published in 1842 the public and private life of animals is a book of animal centered fables. more than that though it was a vehicle for jj grandville’s renown illustration talents. born Jean Ignace Isidore Gérard, gradville began his career as a ferocious political cartoonist and caricaturist. he fought on the barricades during the revolution of 1830 which dethroned charles x, the last bourban king of the main line. during this period his cartoons appeared in le charivari and le caricature two of the most famous satirical journals of the time. in 1835 the journals he worked for were suppressed by the government of louis-philippe and grandville was forced to find another way of making a living. he chose book illustration and it is in this sphere his fame now rests.

posted by jmorrison on 02/18 | sights & sounds - art | | permalink
a case study in the illusions of blogging

yesterday i did some minor maintenance on my technorati account. i logged in to change a couple of tags around to better fit the site’s content as it has shaped up in the last year. we do evolve after all. while there i couldn’t resist the urge to click each tag and see where i stood in the technoratic scheme of things. the results were kind of funny and got me thinking, yet again, about the realities of blogging as compared to the number-driven illusions and mutually reinforcing delusions. consider the following a sort of case study in the illusions of blogging.

a miraculous discovery indeed!

I can’t express my amazement at this ironic turn of events. I do confess a bit of a sweet tooth, more perhaps than is good to have, and the smell of a bakery is more than I can resist, when the hot dough and cane sugar meld with cinnamon cut from a tree on some far-flung island (try not to think about whose toes the stick was between; you’d rather not know).

when i think of love

most years, on this particular day, i find myself bemoaning the construct which is valentines day, pointing out how, in fact, the very idea of a commodified, obligatory, celebration runs counter to the nature of that which the holiday purports to praise. but everyone knows this. everyone with a wallet of their very own knows this day is meant to sell chocolates, cards, flowers and shitty 2 dollar teddy bears. (probably spikes the latex and lubricant markets as well.) but there is nothing to be done about it. one can not come out against love, no matter how pathetic and diseased a species of it. so this year i won’t bother. instead i’ll relate one of the first things which comes into my mind at the mention of love…

happy belated darwin day (again)

well, february 12th marks darwin’s birthday, and for the second year in a row i’m a day late in wishing a everyone a happy darwin day. this year i thought i’d continue with the theme of last years post, in which i attempted to update darwin’s image for our reality challenged and philosophically devolving masses, turning it into an official tradition here. last year my darwinian re-branding was aimed at the good ol’ boys among us. this year i thought perhaps i’d aim at a different demographic, namely those crazy kids with their newfangled computer game thingamabobs. see below

posted by jmorrison on 02/13 | news & views - people | | permalink
NASA Technical Proposals

Nonist readers may recall a two cents post concerning NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts calling for proposals and wild ideas. The deadline is midnight February 13, 2006. I e-mailed my pdf off to them just now. now did they mean the deadline was forty minutes ago, or eleven hours and twenty minutes from now? no matter; i’m not buckin’ for a contract. i’m just a mailman.

a space mailman. yeeeaaahhhhh! (by the way, that’s a real spacecraft in the picture. but i digress. for your edification, here follows the text of my proposal e-mailed to NIAC some twelve minutes ago.)

posted by tbuckner on 02/13 | tech & science - space | | permalink
as “you” like it

don’t take this personally but your depth of sensation, though perhaps impressive echoing as it does in the enclosed space of your own mind, is stunted. comically so in fact. your five senses, on which you rely totally, are capable of offering you only the tiniest subset of the total information available for you to process. your mind unceremoniously filters out large segments of this already reduced sensory payload immediately upon arrival and interprets the fractional amount of data remaining. this mind of yours is a dynamo of hubris, presumptuously drawing all manner of conclusion with only the most circumstantial evidence. were it a prosecutor its case would be thrown out. and yet this mind of yours has the audacity to tell you what “reality” is and what “you” are.

posted by jmorrison on 02/13 | lost & found - ideas | | permalink
you learn something new every day

this morning i woke up and walked into my living room with it’s bay windows only to be struck with horror. outside were trillions of white things swirling around in a terrifyingly chaotic barrage. they filled the air and piled up over everything like a thick white blanket. i was stunned; filled with a panic bordering on madness. what in god’s name were they? a swarm of insect-like aliens dropping from the sky to devour earth with their white pincers? a new biological weapon let loose upon new york?! there were no people on the streets. were those white lumps on the sidewalk concealing fallen new yorkers underneath? were they being devoured? was this the end of the world?

posted by jmorrison on 02/12 | piss & vinegar - fiction | | permalink
some vitamin d

have you ever had a book which you visit at the bookstore? a book which you could buy if you wanted but for whatever reason you prefer to just go and flip through it periodically instead of bringing it home? presently i find i’ve been visiting phaidon’s vitamin d. new perspectives in drawing book a lot. (companion to vitamin p which i already have sitting here beside me.) it’s a gorgeous book focussed on what has been widely referred to in the last couple of years as the “resurgence of drawing.” perhaps a resurgence in marketability is more like it but why quibble? since i’ve been digging them i figured you might need some vitamin d too. (see below)

posted by jmorrison on 02/11 | sights & sounds - art | | permalink
morning sounds

groan. the fetid zombie scratches his nuts and pours some coffee. the smell does not open his eyes. he hears voices from the television and its morning show. he swears: “not fucking news” or “go fuck yourself katie couric.” he makes the minor preparations which constitute “getting ready for work.” a dab, a dollop, a splish, a splash. he pulls clothes from the pile. he fills his pockets with the necessary items to navigate a day in the world. he grunts toward his cats, kisses his girl, and stumbles out the door. half a block toward the train station he locates the white earbuds, taps the white plastic, and the music begins…

posted by jmorrison on 02/09 | sights & sounds - music | | permalink
the grandad of brazilian smut

all of the following tidbits on historical brazillian smut are adapted from the chapbook carlos zefiro in black and white put out by the canadian plug in gallery in 1996 which i picked up that same year while working at a bookstore. quote: carlos zefiro was the pseudonym for a secretive amateur draughtsman and bank employee credited with producing and distributing the first latin american visual novellas - the cheaply produced pocket-sized chapbooks that informed several generations of brazilians about the ways of romance and unbridled sex. (more below)

posted by jmorrison on 02/08 | lost & found - wtf | | permalink
here too must be ugliness

here, as everywhere, things can’t always make sense, or have a reason, or be wrapped in a nice tight bow. it can not be all beauty and wonder every moment. there must be an underbelly, a murky pool, a back alley, a thick cloud, and a darkness. yes here too the ugly things must crawl, tooth, tentacle, and nail, to the surface occasionally to breathe in the air and set their sorrowful eyes upon the surroundings. here, as everywhere, abominations must lurk and in catching glimpse of them we must wonder whether they are aberrant and forgettable or whether they are in fact made of shiny glass backed with aluminum. make of it what you will…

posted by jmorrison on 02/04 | lost & found - ideas | | permalink
the sect of elroy

imagine my surprise that night when word came over the wireless. i don’t think the phrase “holy shit” was ever uttered anywhere with quite the same feeling. of all the gods in all the households in all the world, mine turned out to be real. fuckin’ nuts. i’d barely even tried if i’m being honest. i hadn’t done any of the genealogical track-back or d.n.a. imaging so often used as a jumping off point when birthing a god. i didn’t swallow a single lordican or deityne or any other of the thousand downer-cut hallucinogenic pharmaceuticals developed specifically for the god-mothering masses. what i did was stand beside my kitchen sink, a tablespoon of chunky peanut butter in my mouth, and trace out the name “elroy” in a mound of spilled coffee grounds.

posted by jmorrison on 02/03 | piss & vinegar - fiction | | permalink
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