tales of a rotoscoper

one of a handful of “adult animators” whose name you might actually know, and man behind a few fine films (coonskin, or streetfight as it was called here, heavy traffic, wizards) some o.k. films (fritz the cat, cool world, american pop) some stinkers (fire & ice, hey good lookinlord of the rings) and a whole bunch of stuff i’ve never heard of. igm dusted him off and interviewed him (i assume because of the release of wizards on dvd). turns out he’s pretty bitter, and really i can’t blame him i guess.

posted by jmorrison on 05/30 | news & views - people | | permalink
zen pixel garden

rake, smooth, rake, breathe, rake, smooth, breathe, rake some more, breathe deeply, smooth, rake some more. ahhhhhh.

posted by jmorrison on 05/29 | lost & found | | permalink
don’t panic! the movie might not suck.

the new film version of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is in production at this very moment. i know what you’re thinking, great, another perfectly good book smeared and dragged through the hollywood mud. maybe so. the cast is actually kind of interesting though. mos def as ford prefect (!), sam rockwell as zaphod beeblebrox, john malkovich as someone or other, plus… the guy who played willow (and the evil leprechaun don’t forget) as marvin the paranoid android. arthur dent is played by some random british guy, as well he should. but on the other hand, it’s a disney flick. yikes. here is the official site, which has next to zero info, except this interview with/by the screenwriter. might as well play the text adventure instead.

posted by jmorrison on 05/29 | sights & sounds - film | | permalink
the daily scribble

stories torn from each days headlines, drawings torn from a lined yellow note pad. a new scribble every day. check out the archives for old scribbles.

posted by jmorrison on 05/29 | sights & sounds | | permalink
in search of (3) web tools

in this, out third installment of in search of, we search out web based tools which run the gamut from extremely useful to nearly useless. it’s for you to decide which are which.

them’s fightin words

al gore delivered a speech at n.y.u. today. the most scathing remarks i’ve come across thus far that didn’t include phrases like “suckers of satan’s cock”. i realize this is about as partisan an argument as is possible, meaning not exactly objective, but much of it rings true. it’s worth a read. cathartic.

posted by jmorrison on 05/27 | news & views | | permalink
human stupidity for dummies

an essay trying to define and codify the basic laws of human stupidity with a nudge and a wink and some actual truth mixed in. not bad.

posted by jmorrison on 05/26 | lost & found - ideas | | permalink
the pros and cons of various veeps

never mind the fact that the if all politicians were in one room they could be collectively referred to as “the pros and cons” we are talking strictly positives and negatives here. specifically, the pros and cons of 20 possible kerry v.p. choices as reasoned out by john moe of mcsweeny’s. example:
#20. jesus, messiah, nazareth.
pro: would put bush in uncomfortable position of attacking his personal lord and savior, could redefine christianity instantly for political gain, likable.
con: mythical.

posted by jmorrison on 05/26 | news & views | | permalink
vote. for the love of all that’s good and pure, vote!

do your part. remove the current occupants of the whitehouse. please. thank you.

uncle sam wants you… and me.

so evidently the sickening, though mainly abstract, and ultimately still comfortable state we have all been living in these past 3 years is about to get a whole lot less comfortable and a whole lot less abstract. or it might, if the cocksuckers who run this crummy joint get their way. ridiculous. what fucking century is this anyway? another way to solve this problem… stop starting wars, wait until there is one we absolutely MUST fight.

posted by jmorrison on 05/26 | news & views | | permalink
american rhetoric

famous speeches. stirring speeches. crappy speeches. phony speeches. imaginary speeches. they’re all here. textual and audio illustrations of rhetorical devices abound… grin and bear it.

posted by jmorrison on 05/25 | lost & found | | permalink
conspiracy du jour

ok, so for those of you bored to tears with the grassy knoll, roswell, and the like, there is a new conspiracy gathering steam on the ol’ interweb. the decapitation of nicholas berg is being picked over in true blue conspiro fashion. will these new theories entrench themselves better than the last two contenders? we shall see.

posted by jmorrison on 05/25 | lost & found - ideas | | permalink
the original hako-clones

whether you are an annoying hipster in search of new chatchkis, a sadistic parent who enjoys torturing your swinish stuff-lusting child, or just someone who enjoys folding paper, these “toys” are for you.

posted by jmorrison on 05/25 | sights & sounds | | permalink
philosophy games

testing your moral, spiritual, and philosophical beliefs can not only be fun, but frustrating as well! check out these little games and quizzes for logic traps and challenges to your own philosophical clarity. i’ve already posted a couple of these i think, but waddaya want for nuthin? rrrruubbaah biscuit? (10 points to anyone who gets that reference by the way) enjoy.

posted by jmorrison on 05/25 | lost & found | | permalink
whatcha gonna do bush, when thousands of hulkamaniacs come down on you?

join forces with hulk hogan, mr.tee, he-man, howard dean, christopher reeves and a host of others to battle the evil, liberty fucking, bush administration controlled voltron and their many hog faced minions….seriously. descend into the depths of the earth on a shrinking pile of money to do battle with a copulating barbara bush as throngs of bush spawn shoot from under her skirts… all while learning about the federal deficit! and that’s only the beginning. good fun. well done. and dig those special attacks!

posted by jmorrison on 05/23 | sights & sounds - games | | permalink
dystopia redux and related

well, george lucas is at it again, fiddling with already fine movies, adding digital effects to try and better capture his vision. this time it’s the already perfect thx-1138 getting the treatment. it will be re-released in theaters, and a new directors cut dvd is also nigh. i love this movie. in thematically related linkage i also happened to come across a nice history of another dystopian masterpiece, my fathers favorite movie, brazil. i had no idea tom stoppard (who wrote rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead, one of my favorite plays / movies) co-wrote brazil. you learn something new every day in this dystopia of ours.

posted by jmorrison on 05/23 | sights & sounds - film | | permalink
and the 10 most expensive living artists are:

drum roll please… (in alphabetical order) lucian freud, jasper johns, jeff koons (no link for you!!), brice marden (?!), bruce nauman, robert rauschenberg, gerhard richter, richard serra, frank stella (yeesh), and cy twombly. just below the top but still with starting prices in the millions: chuck close, david hockney, ellsworth kelly, anselm kiefer, claes oldenburg, robert ryman, and wayne thiebaud. read the article for the filthy details. (makes me happy cy twombly is on that list, i had no idea people were actually willing to hang his work, thought he was just a name dropped into discourse. and of course full warmth for lucien. pretty much what you’d expect i guess, bright spots, but kind of sad somehow. )

posted by jmorrison on 05/22 | sights & sounds - art | | permalink
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