case 225

today we present another in our series of transcribed case studies from the 1886 classic psychopathia sexualis, specifically a case under the “theft dependent on fetishism” heading. (previous cases include 123, 88, and 98 / 99) by way of lead in- “pathological fetishism may become the cause of crimes. as such there are now recognized hair despoiling, robbery or theft of women’s linen, handkerchiefs, aprons, shoes, and silks. it cannot be doubted that such individuals are the subject of deep mental taint…”

case 225

p, laborer, aged twenty nine. family heavily tainted. emotional, irritable; had masturbated since childhood. at ten years old saw a boy masturbate into a woman’s handkerchief. this gave direction to p’s sex life. he stole handkerchiefs from pretty girls and masturbated into them. his mother tried every means to break him of this habit. she admonished him, took the stolen handkerchiefs away and bought him new ones, all in vain. he was caught by the police and punished for theft. he then went to africa and served in the army with an excellent record. on his return to france he resumed his old practices. he was only potent if a prostitute held a white handkerchief in her hand during the act, he married in 1894 and sustained his virility by grasping a handkerchief during coitus.

the fetishistic crisis always came suddenly, like a paroxysm, especially at moments of laziness. he would feel out of sorts, psychically moody, sexually excited, and impelled to masturbate. soon the fantasy image of a handkerchief would appear and take full possession of his thoughts and feelings. if he then caught sight of a woman’s handkerchief he would choke with fear, palpitation of the heart would set in, he would tremble, and profuse perspiration would break out all over his body. although conscious of the risk involved, he was irresistibly forced to steal the handkerchief. he was arrested on one such occasion, but the examining physician declared him irresponsible. during the time of detention he was free of his obsession. he hoped to master his weakness in the future. he estimated that he had stolen one hundred handkerchiefs, he used each handkerchief only once, then threw it away.

what new terrible sexual depravities of centuries past will we bring you next from doctor kraft-ebing’s masterpiece? frottage? violation of statues? cunnilingus? you’ll just have to wait and see, or pick up a copy yourself.

posted by jmorrison on 06/10 | lost & found - wtf | | send entry